So here I sit quite exhausted with my sister's wedding over and I hopping on a plane back to Africa in about 16 hours.
It's been quite a whirlwind of a trip. I arrived in NYC, made my way down to Lynchburg VA for my good friend's wedding, spent a night at the summer camp I have worked at in the past, then went back up to Massachusetts, hung out, and was part of my sister's wedding today.
All in all it was a great time. I drove a car, watched American TV, saw many family and friends and even relaxed a bit. Right now I'm feeling just a bit torn however. I really can't wait to get back to my interns, they are great but also they are who I know. I know they are over there plugging away and I know that I should be over there with them. I know I have about 6 months left in this internship and I look forward to experiencing and finishing them but being back in America is a bit tough.
It is tremendously comfortable here and not just because of mere material things. America is my home, my culture, everything I know is here. Being back made me realize how abroad I really am. It can be disconcerting thinking about the distance. In any case, I should be clear and say again I cannot wait to see my fellow interns. They are fantastic, I feel comfortable around them and I do look forward to getting into my routine again with them.
One last thing is that this week was important because I was going to get my laptop finally fixed. Well, after multiple trips to Circuit City, a fed-ex delivery, and far too much maneuvering with automated phone-lines, here I sit typing on my home desktop, not my still-broken laptop. It is a bit depressing.
All is not lost though. New (hopefully good) discs will arrive on Monday and be sent by my parents to me in South Africa. Receiving them in a week or so I should be able to properly recover my computer. Here is to hoping.
I want to welcome any new readers to my blog that I may have talked to during my visit. I hope you enjoy my entries and feel connected with what I'm doing in Africa.
Finally I must say that my brief trip back showed I have a lovely family (and sister CONGRATS), lovely friends, a lovely God, and even a pretty lovely life. Thanks to all who make it great.
Here's to Peace, Blessings, and Africa!
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