Sunday, July 13, 2008

What is it that makes Christianity so special?

A few weeks ago we had a staff meeting that led to my earlier blog about feeling spiritually refreshed. It also raised some important questions about Christianity and the nature of salvation. It forced me to think about my faith and why I am a Christian. I am pretty big on apologetics so it was a fairly fun exercise.
Here are some reasons why I think Christianity is so special and why I think it is the one true religion available on this planet.

1) Salvation Cannot be obtained.

Every other religion, every other single one promises some form of heaven if the follower does enough good things. In Islam you mush follow the 5 pillars, in Judaism you must follow the Torah, in Hinduism you must make sure your karma is in order.
With Christianity I can do nothing to earn my spot in heaven. My sin is too great for me to overcome. Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice, our bridge to God that forgave our sins and made us clean. Apart from God's grace and mercy I am destined to hell. Period.

2)Freedom from fear.

Knowing that you are locked into heaven the moment you are saved frees you from the fear that you might be going to hell. The Muslim and Jew and Hindu never know until the day they die if they were good enough to reach heaven. They may do good things out of love and obedience to God but they also must, at least some of the time, do things out of fear of hell. The things I do are never out of fear of hell but because I love the God who loved me so much to die for me even though I was sinner when he did so. I am free to live my life in relationship with God with confidence that I will be in heaven one day.

3) The Bible is compelling.

I respect the other books of the other major religions of the world, they are full of significance and value. But for my money there is no book on this planet that is more compelling than the Bible. Written over 1500 years in different places by different people it is remarkable how well it ties together from beginning to end. Christians generally believe it is the infallible word of God in the original autographs. I am not saying I never question anything in the text, but I am willing to give it the benefit of the doubt because of how powerfully it does work together. No other story on earth is as important, significant, or amazing as the one in the Bible.

So thats a few reasons why Christianity is my thing and I believe it is valid for everyone on this planet to consider and make a decision on.

Hope this helps and enthuses.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Matt, hope you're enjoying your summer! (Is it cold there since you're in the southern hemisphere?) Do the seasons have much significance for you guys?
I have three weeks left in my internship then another week before I have to say goodbye to my summer and be back at Wheaton.
I looked at a couple of the photos on Thrive Africa. Looks like you all are having a blast and doing great work for the kingdom! Keep it up and know that I'm praying for you!

~Steph Michals