Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A fun little anectdote to kick off marathon training.

I start officially training for my marathon this week so to commemorate such a special occasion I thought you might like this story that happened this past Friday.

Fridays have always been notoriously difficult days to run because my motivation just disappears. After a long hard week the last thing you want to do is wake up early and run AGAIN.
This Friday was especially bad. My alarm went off at 6:45AM and I had no intent to get up. 6 miles in chilly weather had no appeal. I quickly rationalized that I could run later in the afternoon and got back to falling asleep again.

Than I heard a knock.
I ignored it, assuming it wasn't for me.
It knocked again and so I decided to get up and see who it was.
I got up, pulled back the curtain, opened the door and to my surprise it was none other than: JESUS.

Just kidding. That would of been cool though.

It was an intern, Shannon, who wanted to see if Marc was awake to go running. He was out cold and I told her so and than shut the door. And then as I walked back to my bed I made a surprising decision: I decided to go run. I was already up and felt OK so I put on my running gear and went out.

One thing to add is I listened to my Ipod during my run, specifically to worship music. I hate headphones but running by myself can be hard and I wanted some motivation for it. I had managed to turn sleeping in for an hour into a worship session. I felt really good after my run. And I have Shannon, my angel of motivation, to thank.

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