Thursday, April 10, 2008

Back from Botswana!

Note: While I was away I did not have internet access but I did write 4 blog entries to post when I got back. I'm having computer issues here (read I don't currently have one to use) so me posting them will be slightly delayed but I hope to post them every couple days. Pictures will be up ASAP also. Enjoy the blogs and more news to come.

Blog entry written 3-25-08

I’ve made it to Maun, Botswana safely. Our trip took two days, most of which was in a car but it wasn’t too bad. The first day we drove 7 hours to the border and spent the night at a nice, if humble, guesthouse. The next morning we woke at 6 AM and by 7:30 we were in Botswana.
The first thing I noticed about Botswana is that there is not much to notice. Our drive took us past miles of scrubby desert bush and squatty tress. I slept and read off and on but was usually woken by Neil (who drove us) blasting his horn to get animals out of the road. Donkeys, Cows, and goats all were present and all cared little about getting out of the way of fast moving vehicles. We were actually driving through the Kalahari Desert but there was no sand just scrub and nothingness. We did go through a few towns where we got gas, snacks and bathrooms and had pizza for lunch at the Kalahari Arms Hotel in Ghanzi. We arrived in Maun around 6:30PM, made dinner and settled in. All is well and our work starts tomorrow after a tour. Here’s to Africa!

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