Saturday, April 19, 2008

Botswana Part 4 (Back Home!)

Written 4-6-08

I have returned safely from Botswana! It was another long drive through the desert but we made it. Our trip was a great success. We finished sanding all the floors, painted all the ceilings and walls, and gave the floors and windows their first coat of varnish. One on the interns, Matt Moline, who has significant construction experience, completely re-tiled a bathroom and a vanity.
We worked 9-12+ hour days with our only break being a half-day on Sunday for church. While it still has some minor work to be completed, we did in 10 days what LBOM would take weeks or even months to do. With Matt's and others expertise we also did it properly. While the work was long and hard we did get to use our last day to relax at a lodge in Maun called Audi Camp. This place had a pool and a restaurant and we got to relax and swim the entire day as well as enjoy two fabulous meals.
It is very strange being back on the base in Harrismith and tomorrow we jump right back into term 2 with classes, work and ministry.

It was really wonderful to see and spend time in another country and to see and help another ministry. Stay tuned for my newsletter and photos of my trip.

Here's to Africa!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So mom definitely though YOU were the Matt who knew how to tile a bathroom and was very impressed... I mean we are still impressed you are in Africa and all for a year:) But we were wondering where your tiling talent came from:) Cant wait to see you in just over a month Matt!!! Love ya- caroline