Friday, November 28, 2008


I'll get back to Cape Town tomorrow but I wanted to highlight yesterday a bit.

I think this was my first thanksgiving without any immediate family members. A little different but it was very nice. We had over 20 people, including staff, interns, Neil and Alece's friends (two families with 5 kids-aged 6 months to 5 years-between them), and Neil's mom. It was quite fun. We had good food including turkey and mashed potatoes but also with a dish you can only get in Africa, Lechwe (it was tasty by the way).
One highlight was Alece had a thanks wall where you could take a sticky note and write what you were thankful for. At one point it got a little out of hand and the wall was covered with sticky notes but it was fun. Neil's were pretty funny but also delightfully inappropriate so if you want to know what he said you have to ask.

I wanted to write about the holiday because I really only have a couple days left in Africa and after a year of many big get-togethers this is going to be the last one. It's a little weird too because 7 (yes SEVEN) of my fellow interns are coming back and they realize that while they are done being interns they will be back within 2-6 months. I won't be. I know I would not enjoy or be effective as staff here but its still weird with all the returnees.
In the end, It was great getting to know everyone here and having the community I did. I will certainly miss it.

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