Friday, October 24, 2008

Staying Sharp

God has a funny sense of humor.

For example, in my experience whenever I start thinking that the task is done or the hard work is behind me, a new challenge or task pops up.
I remember when I was a counselor at my summer camp in the summer of 2004. It was my first summer as a head counselor and by the last week I was ready to go into cruise control to finish up. The last week I had a camper with ADD, glasses and hearing aids. Needless to say my last week was as busy and challenging as the rest.

In regards to this year I have done a lot. Specifically I have helped bind and collate thousands of curriculum for ministry programs. I will admit entering the last few months it has been tempting to look past all that is left to do and think about the end of this year. Its not as if I am homesick or I think it will be easy to return home from here but the thoughts and conversations come up. And then God enters the picture.

Last week we learned that the printer who did our Summit Curriculum for this year in America would not be doing it for 2009. Therefore we have to print everything on the base and collate and bind them ourselves. 5,000 copies, 74 pages.
We started this week and it should go quicker since all the interns are taking part. While it was a bit of a surprise I don't begrudge it. I'm still an intern and there is still really important things to do here.

In any case this task is a nice reminder that God, not myself, is in control.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


SURPRISE! And we thought we were done after we did 6,000 books earlier this year...nope! But it is cool to think about this: These books will be handed out next spring, when we aren't how awesome is it that we get to make an impact that's reaching into next year?!?

Hm, but yes. 5,000 is seeming like quite a few at the moment.