Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What its all about.

I taught the last class of my LaunchPad term yesterday. It's hard to believe only graduation is left but I wanted to share what happened yesterday because it was awesome.

I have taught the course Ordinary Day with Jesus with my fellow interns Kaylen and Katie and a staff member here, Cassie. The course teaches students how to live in Jesus' name and to experience God in every moment of their days and lives.
A few weeks ago I realized that after learning all this it would not be effective if the students did not have a chance to accept Christ. How can you live in Jesus' name if your not a christian? I asked Cassie and the others if it would be OK if after the last lesson we could share the gospel and give them an opportunity to live their life for Jesus. Of course, they agreed and as we decided roles for the lesson I was given the role to share the gospel.

For the week before the lesson I was excited but very nervous. I had shared the gospel and talked about Christianity a decent amount in my life but never in a class setting and I had never done a real "alter call" talk before. I prayed a crazy amount about it.
During the class while I waited for the girls to go through their teaching I appeared so agitated Kaylen asked "are you mad at me?" When I said no she asked asked, "Are you mad at someone?" It was kind of funny because I can't really express how I felt but I knew I couldn't go up with a scowl on my face. So I took a deep breath and went and let the truth speak.

I shared the Gospel and when I gave the kids a chance to choose to follow Christ around 10 kids raised their hands (I didn't take an exact count but there were about 20 kids total there that day.) I led them in a prayer and that was what happened.

It often is easy for me to be cynical about things like group salvations but with this situation I have no doubt about the student's sincerity. I have been able to teach these kids for 10 weeks and to see them excited to soak in everything we have been teaching. The kids who raised their hands were ready and understood what they were doing.

Reflecting on the whole situation I realize that this is what its all about. It's not about me growing, or learning, or even enjoying myself. It is about God being glorified by bringing people to himself. I had nothing to do with this term of LaunchPad, it was all God. I was just blessed to experience and see it as it happened.


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